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10 Toothpastes in India Ranked from Worst to Best

 Oral hygiene is an integral part of our overallhealth.   But which toothpaste are you brushing yourteeth with? Have you been using Colgate? It is very important to use the right toothpaste. Now, the thing is that there are n numberof toothpastes in the market. Every other month there is a new toothpastebeen launched. How do we decide which toothpaste to buy. Well, I can help you with that, I bought 10 most popular toothpastes in the Indian market. 
10 Toothpastes in India Ranked from Worst to Best

I will quickly analyse each of them and you will know if you should continue using your current toothpasteor is it the time for a change. So, without any further delay, let’s getstarted. Hello Friends! Welcome . I havesegregated them in 8 major categories on the basis of similarity of ingredients. Even if I have missed the toothpaste thatyou have been using, I assure it would fall in one of these 8 categories.Starting withcategory number 1 which includes Colgate, Pepsodent and Close up. These are commercial toothpastes which areso popular that for a major percentage of people toothpaste means Colgate. These are the toothpastes that include allchemical ingredients some of which are extremely harmful. Sodium Laureyl Sulphate is one example. If you see sodium laureyl sulphate in thelist of ingredients of your toothpaste, please consider changing it. It is because of SLS that you taste everythingbitter just after brushing. SLS also causes skin irritation and mouthulcers. SLS has been registered as insecticide andis used in detergents. Regularly brushing teeth with a toothpaste containingSLS may lead to its deposits in the heart, liver lungs and brain. Next point of contention is the amount offlouride in these toothpastes. Yes, there are many dentists who claim flourideto be the best defense against tooth decay. Many studies have also proved the same. However, there have been some recent studieswhich suggest the contrary. Is flouride in toothpastes justified or notmay be debatable but one thing is for sure that flouride is poisonous. Ingesting just 2.8 grams of flouride can killa 50 kg adult. These toothpastes contain enough flourideto kill a small child within 2 to 4 hours, if ingested. The warning that children under 6 years should have adult supervision and should not swallow this toothpaste is written for a reason. We must understand that our mouth is highlyabsorbent, so the chemicals lurking in the toothpaste get fast track into our blood stream. Specially children, who swallow a large amountof the paste that they put in their mouth. If flouride is so poisonous regularly brushingwith a flouridated toothpaste can definitely harm you in the long run. One more thing which should be taken intoconsideration that the water we drink is flouridated. I wouldn’t say you should stop or continueusing flouridated toothpaste. You are a better judge for yourself but personallyI don’t use it neither will I recommend it. Specially when there are better toothpastesin the market which we will discuss in this video. So please keep watching.As for these commercialtoothpastes, forget flouride, they have so much more which should be avoided. Category 2 is that of the toothpastes likeSensodyne which have almost the same chemical composition as that of toothpastes in categorynumber 1 except that they do not contain harmful chemicals like Sodium laureyl sulphate. Just like the toothpastes in category 1, theyalso have artificial colours, preservatives and flouride in them. In category 3, fall toothpastes like Himalaya’sSparkling white toothpaste which have chemical composition without harmful ingredients likeSodium Laureyl sulphate. Himalaya’s Sparkling white toothpaste alsodoes not have flouride in them. Surely, the toothpastes in this category arebetter than those in category 1 and 2 but still they are far from best.Toothpastes likeMeswak fall in category 4 which are non flouridated but have almost the same chemicals as of thosein category 1 including the harmful ones like sodium laureyl sulphate. Apart from SLS, they also contain Triclosanwhich is another extremely dangerous chemical already banned in soaps. Triclosan is linked to breast and testicularcancer. You will rarely find Triclosan in any toothpaste. Meswak and Colgate Total are among the rareones. It also contains artificial colours and preservatives.   In category 5, are the toothpastes like Patanjali’sdant kanti. Another extremely popular toothpaste in India. This toothpaste is much better than the oneswe have discussed till now. It is made from no chemicals but herbal ayurvedicingredients. It also does not have any artificial colours. However, the only thing which doesn’t letme recommend it to you is that it has flouride in it.Category 6 is that of the toothpasteslike Ayush’s rock salt toothpaste. It has all herbal ingredients and does noteven has flouride in it. It however has artificial colours and preservativesin it. One thing I want you to know is that not alltoothpastes made by Ayush are non flouridated. For eg the clove toothpaste has flouride init. So before you buy this brand, please checkfor it once. In category 7, falls Dabur Red toothpastewhich has herbal ingredients, no flouride and not even artificial colours. It is a great choice. The last category includes toothpastes likeVicco Vajradanti which is a complete ayurvedic toothpaste devoid of any chemicals, flourideand artificial colours. It is the only toothpaste among the ones wehave discussed that does not even uses any preservatives. It is a perfect blend of 18 Ayurvedic herbsand barks. It is totally safe for kids. It is also very cheap in comparison to othercommercial toothpastes. In my opinion, it is the best toothpaste availablein the Indian market.So according to me, Vicco Vajradanti stands on top of the list followedby Dabur red, Ayush and Patanjali. The commercial toothpastes like colgate, closeup and pepsodent being the least preferred.So friends! That’s all  I hope now you got an idea if you need tochange your toothpaste or not. And as I said if I did not talk about thetoothpaste that you are using, please check it’s ingredients and it will surely fallunder one of these 8 categories. Let me know in the comment section which toothpastedo you use regularly and would you now be changing it or not. If yes, then which one would you buy. 
